Online Donations
We are collecting donations for Lillah and Sadaqah online. Simply choose the type and amount and then click Donate

About the centre

The primary purpose of the masjid is to serve as a place where Muslims can come together for prayer. This masjid brings the community together as it acts as many things, a social centre, a community centre and an educational centre as it has many events which welcome both old and new members of the mosque.


It is the policy of Bismillah cultural centre to make its facilities available to its members when possible and in accordance of the following rules and regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated and will enable us to share our resources within our community members.

  1. Always place your shoes on the shoe rack. Please avoid cluttering the entrance of the masjid with shoes.
  2. Please keep the masjid clean at all times. Avoid littering, and place your trash in the trash bins.
  3. For safety and security reason in and outside of the masjid is monitored by security cameras. IV. Vandalism is a sin and a crime. Stealing, destroying, and/or abusing the property in any way (Including the use of graffiti) will not be tolerated, and will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  4. Removal of Masjid property (chairs, tables, tarps, ladder, cleaning materials etc.) without permission from Executive committee is prohibited.
  5. No individual or group is allowed to distribute, sell, loitering, or panhandling on the premises of masjid without prior approval from the Executive committee.
  6. No individual or group is allowed to distribute on masjid proprieties any leaflets, books, flyers, brochures, and pamphlets etc., religious or otherwise without the prior approval of the Executive committee.
  7. ICD kitchen facility can be used for masjid organized or sponsored events only.
  8. Smoking is not allowed on this premises; this includes the entire property within. Smoking is harmful for smokers and those around them.
  9. If you’re the last person to leave the masjid after a prayer, please be sure to turn off lights, fans and the doors are securely closed.
  10.  Masjid doors are opened 20 minutes before Jammat time and remain open 30 minutes after each prayer. Jammat time schedules (timetable sheets) are posted at the entrance of main door for your convenience and on our website.
  11. Specific approval from the member of the Executive Committee is required in advance for any media involvement and the scope of their presence for any event. Any outside media pictures taken on the Masjid premises are subject to approval.

In order to ensure smooth operation of Bismillah cultural centre and to better serve the community, the following rules have been formulated and will be implemented.

Masajids are the houses of Allah and all actions done in the masjid should be for the sake of Allah, and according to Quran and Sunnah. As a house of Allah, the masjid should be respected and not used in a way that displeases Allah. Bismillah cultural centre is a non-profit organization, and therefore it relies on its members to support its continual operation through donations of money, time, and any help possible. Masjid properties include the building, fixtures, furniture, books, equipment, electronics devices such as cameras, computers, printers, copiers, fax machines and any other items of value inside the building or stored outside its premises are for benefit of the masjid. Nobody is allowed to take, borrow, use, relocate, store, donate, replace, rent, sublease, salvage masjid proprieties, or make any decision pertaining to masjid proprieties without the prior approval of the member of the Executive committee. Such infringements against masjid proprieties temporary or otherwise will be considered as an act of transgression against the masjid and its members and appropriate measures will be taken including legal actions. Items removed from the Masjid facilities temporarily or otherwise will be considered as taken without authorization and appropriate measures will be taken. Furthermore, any damage to facilities, whether purposely or otherwise will be considered as an act of vandalism unless appropriate remedies are discussed and approved by the Executive Committee.

(Bismillah cultural Centre reserves the right to persecute any person/group for improper usage of facilities for damage to facilities, loss of items, trespassing, etc.)


  1. All individuals should keep quiet and avoid unnecessary talk in the musallah (prayer area) to avoid disturbing other individuals who are praying or listening to a speaker.
  2.  Conversations should be conducted outside the musallah.
  3.  Please do not text during Khutbah.
  4.  Muslims are reminded to pay particular attention to avoid talking during the Friday Khutbah. Remember that talking during the Khutbah may void the reward of the Friday prayer.
  5. Individuals must always turn their cell phone to vibrate, silent, or off while in the musallah.
  6. Children must be kept under parents control and supervision at all times.
  7. Abstain from everything that may soil the masjid or induce bad smells in the Masjid or cause pain to anyone.
  8. When you see anyone doing something wrong, ask him/her not to do so, quietly and softly. Totally avoid insulting him/her openly, or rebuking him/her, or quarrelling with him/her.
  9. Members who disagree with Friday Khateeb “speaker” may express their opinions, views or comments in writing and forward it to the management. Who will consult with the speaker and get back to the member. Member(s) who don’t adhere to these rules will be considered as “harassers” or “bullies” and appropriate measures will be taken by Executive committee.
  10. Sleeping overnight in the masjid is not allowed except I’tikaaf during the month of Ramadan, unless for special circumstance approved by the Executive Committee.


  1. Muslims are highly encouraged to be dressed properly according to what the shariah requires, particularly when they are in the masjid. Inappropriate dress is not acceptable on Masjid premises.
  2.  Volunteers are especially required to adhere to the Islamic dress code.
  3. People of other faiths are welcome in the masjid for da’wah or other legitimate purposes. However, they are expected to adhere to the masjid rules and regulations that apply to members of the masjid and they are expected to dress conservatively or modestly.


  1. No advertisement should be displayed in the masjid premises without the written permission or stamp from the designated Executive Committee member.
  2.  No postings should have any promotion of forbidden/haraam items/ideas. This includes any postings of un-covered women, or immodest postures. Images of objects with a soul (human, animals, birds, insects, and fish) should not be posted in the musallah.
  3. These images can be posted in classrooms when necessary for educational purposes. They should be removed when there is no need for them.

Other Announcements:

  1. Emergency announcements like newborn, hospitalization, accident, death, and request for du’a can be made only with the permission of a member of the Executive Committee.
  2. Other announcements apart from those stated above require prior approval from the Executive Committee.
  3.  Approved announcements will be made by Executive Committee member. Requester can also be assigned to make announcements but only with prior approval of Executive Committee.

  • Every Tuesday evening after Maghrib - Tafseer of the Holy Qur'an in Dari/Pashto 
  • Madrassa for boys and girls Mon-Fri aged 5-16 - For adult classes please contact us on the main line
  • Daily Ta'leem after maghrib salaah