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Listen to the Holy Quran:

Collection of Quotes


"And I have chosen you,so listen to that which is inspired to you.Verily, I am Allah!There is none worthy of worship but I, so worship Me and offer prayer perfectly for My remembrance."[Taha 13-14]

Our Lord (glorified and exalted be He)
descends each night to the earth's sky
when there remains the final third of the night, and He says:
"Who is saying a prayer to Me that I may answer it?
Who is asking something of Me that I may give it him?
Who is asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive him?"
[Hadith Qudsi35]


Our Lord (glorified and exalted be He)
descends each night to the earth's sky
when there remains the final third of the night, and He says:
"Who is saying a prayer to Me that I may answer it?
Who is asking something of Me that I may give it him?
Who is asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive him?"
[Hadith Qudsi35]

'Whoever believes in one God and the hereafter, should speak what is good or remain silent.'

'A perfect Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands mankind is safe, and a true emigrant [muhajir] is one who flees from what God has forbidden.'

Inscribed on the hilt of the Prophets (saw) sword: Forgive him who wrongs you; join him who cuts you off; do good to him who does evil to you, and speak the truth although it be against yourself.

  Hadith Of The Day

"The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, while there is good in both."

"It is unworthy of a Mumin [a person with faith] to destroy peoples reputation; and it is unworthy of him to curse any one; and it is unworthy to abuse any one; and it is unworthy of a Mumin to talk arrogantly."

Narrated Ali: While the Prophet (peace be upon him) was in a funeral procession, he picked up something and started scraping the ground with it, and said, “There is none among you but has his place written for him either in the Hell Fire or in Paradise.” They said, "O Allahs Apostle! Shall we not depend upon what has been written for us and give up deeds?” He said, "Carry on doing (good) deeds, for everybody will find easy to do such deeds as will lead him to his destined place for which he has been created. So he who is destined to be among the happy (in the Hereafter), will find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of such people, while he who is destined to be among the miserable ones, will find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of such people." Then he recited:
“As for him who gives (in charity) and fears Allah, and believes in the best." (92.5-10)

Regarding Sadaqah and spending in the path of allah, Rassolullah Sallallaahu a'laihi wasallam said, Allaah said: "Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you."

"Indeed Shaytan is present in all of your affairs, even at the time of eating. Therefore, if a morsel of food falls to the ground, one should remove any harmful thing from it, and eat it. Dont leave it for Shaytan to eat. And when one finishes, he should lick his fingers, for no one knows where the blessing in the food might be."

"Among the Muslims the most perfect, as regards his faith, is the one whose character is excellent, and the best among you are those who treat their wives well."

'Truly, what is lawful is evident, and what is unlawful is evident, and in between the two are matters which are doubtful which many people do not know. He who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and honour blameless, and he who indulges in doubtful things indulges in fact in unlawful things'

'Abu Dharr al-Ghifar and Mua`dh b, Jabal relate that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Fear Allah wherever you are. Follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will blot it out. And deal with people in a good manner."